Umer Pasha Blogs

VB Source Code to get facebook status messages using Graph API

You will need an authentication token from facebook to access it. Please check for that. Again, you will have to create an app and get an authentication token generated with the correct rights.

        url = ",message&limit=50&offset=0&access_token=" & sToken

        strJSON = get_page_contents( URL ) 

        set user = JSON.parse( strJSON )

                    If TmpVal=OldVal then
                        exit do
                    End If
'                        FBStatus2 = cdate(left(,10) & " " & mid(,12,5)) & ": " & 
                        response.write "<li><span>" & cdate(left(,10) & " " & mid(,12,5)) & "</span><a href='#'>" &  & "</a></li>"


Debugger problem “The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document”

I ran into the problem of Visual Studio 2005 not debugging a standard Dot Net 2.0 ASPX based website. It would attach to the process and then show me the darn error at breakpoint “The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document”.  Looks like a known issue here at Microsoft.

Anyway, after banging my head on the wall for a an hour or so, it turned out I just needed to go to IIS, go to site properties, click “Configuration” , go to debugging tab and select “Enable Server Side Debugging”. Now, I knew about this but seeing that the same environment and project was debugged correctly for another page, i did not think it could be an issue. but there you have it 🙂

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